Criminal Law NYClex: inquiry about CIMT crimes

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New Member
NYclex: Where a person can get right information about Crimes of Moral Turpitudes? Is there any website, office etc. I tried couple of lawyers in NJ, none of them were clear about how and when any crime falls into CIMT index. Can you provide us a general definition and what charges come into this CIMT category. In this wbsite, many people are confused.

I think you are the best person to provide answer to this question.

Thanks in advance.
There is no "law", no statute that simply says: this crime is a crime of moral turpitude, this crime is not. On the contrary, sometimes it is the same crime, but with different circumstances, that in one case is considered a crime involving moral turpitude, in the other case it is not. So a practitioner always has to check applicable case law, mostly in form of decisions from immigration judges, the immigration appeals board and federal courts.

A standard work is this, but it is really expensive:
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