Not sure what to do; NC Speeding Ticket

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I got a speeding ticket on Wednesday afternoon for 60 in 45.

Here is the problem....

I have two other occurrences on my driving record:
1) Occurrence 05/12/04 Conviction 06/23/04 Speeding (40 in a 35) 2 points
2) Occurrence 01/27/03 Conviction 02/27/02 Speeding (54 in a 45) PJC

I was recently dropped by my insurance company for having too many occurrences on my record.

Some people have told me that I can get a lawyer to "do away" with this ticket. Is this possible? Has anyone ever done this?

What should I do????
North Carolina Speeding Ticket

What should I do????

Try buying a Yugo. I think their top speed is 45mph so you should be safe for awhile.

I was recently dropped by my insurance company for having too many occurrences on my record.

This doesn't sound right. There must be more involved. Lots of people have two speeding tickets and are not dropped, especially since neither was over 20mph.

You can use the PFJ once every three years. If you can get the ticket delayed past 2/27 then it may not show up assuming it is 02 and not 03.

Putting a good traffic attorney on permanent retainer may be an excellent idea.
Since he used the "conviction" word, and knowing that 5 overs are very rarely given and a 9 over is probably a plea, I have a feeling he is allready familiar with NC traffic attornies?

I have reason to believe the NC insurance companies access the original citation database (public record) just as the traffic ticket shops do and use that information for their own purposes.

They probably can't change someone's rates based on this information but might factor it in at renewal time.

In any event, take a look at the following link for info on the Reinsurance Facility

NC Traffic and insurance Points
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