Not responsible for damage

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New Member
The sprinkler head in my apartment malfunctioned and sprayed water all over my apartment for 30 minutes. My apartment and the three below me suffered severe water damage before the FD arrived to turnoffthe water. My landlord says based on info from the FD and the fire system vendor this was not an accident and that I am liable for the damage to all units. I disagree as I in no way caused this to happen! All my things are ruined and I am also having to pay too stay elsewhere during repairs as the landlord claims he doesn't have anywhere else to put me. What can I do to prevent the landlord from charging my account for damages and to get him to pay for the damages I've incurred?
What state are you in?

As a tenant you have certain rights and protections.

The first place to check is your lease. Do you have one? Does you lease say anything specific about "fire or other damage"? Is there anything else that might appy?

Find out what your rights are as a tenant in your state. Call your state attorney general's office and ask where you can get information about your rights as a tenant.

In most circumstances yourlandlord would be required to provide you with housing or pay for housing until such time as your apartment was livable. He is required by the lease to provide you with housing.

Your landlord can't hold you responsible for the sprinklers unless he can prove it malfunctioned because of you, or that the damage was extensive because you failed to notify him. He's bullying you. Don't let him. Insist on a writtern copy of the FD report as well as a copy of the manufacturer's report.

I hope that gives you a place to start.

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