Nosy Nellie

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Wisconsin


We are having major problems with our landlord. Last month she complained that the heat in our apt. was above 68. We were having a cold snap, and we were not even turning up the thermostat that much. Our apt. is adjacent to the landlord's place, in the same dwelling. She was trying to make sure the furnace would kick on when it dropped to 68. She did not think our thermostat was working, so she bought and installed a new one. Then she wanted to come in anytime she wanted to (including early morning and late night) just to make sure the thermostat was working. When that thermostat did not work, in came another, and again the frequent trips in and out of our apt. At first we said okay, just so that the thermostat would work properly. But we never complained that the heat was not coming on, or that it was too warm. One time, when my husband came home from work, the landlord was waiting for him when I entered the building, asking if she could check the thermostat. He said okay, but instead of just checking the thermostat, she went around the apt. checking all the baseboard heaters. She even went into our bedroom, unannounced, nearly catching me without any clothes on!
This was too much, so we started to put the chain on the door. Then she threatens us with a rent increase of $100!! We have a SMALL 1BDR and pay $410 + electric. After the thermostat seemed to work fine, she stopped coming in. But raised the rent $40 anyway! We at times also use a heater fan (on Low, set to go off at 65 degrees). I have necropathy in my feet, causing them to be very cold and sensitive. The landlord saw the heater fan and accused us of heating the floor too much, causing the pipes underneath to not call for the heat when it should. We told her that was B.S.

Now on top of all this, I was hoping to start my own business with SMC. I saw their package at our front door the other night with a note from the landlord, stating "you will have to fins a new place to live if you are going into this business". The landlord thinks all kinds of boxes and catalogs are going to flood the driveway, which is not true with SMC. Plus, she picked up the package from UPS on Friday afternoon, and did not give it to us until Saturday night!

I'm tempted to contact the police about her taking our mail, but we know that will probably start WW III. I cannot not work because of chronic pain and diabetes, so we cannot afford to get "tossed out".

Any suggestions?


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