Nonrefundable pet deposit

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New Member
Hi here,
I just moved out of an apartment in McDonough after 5 years of occupancy.
When moved in I paid a 350.00 NR pet deposit and a 250.00 security deposit.
When we moved out, we just knew that we were not going to get our security deposit back. Yet, we thought that the pet deposit that we paid was going to go towards any damages done by the pet.
The apartment informed me that since is it nonrefundable that it does not go towards the damages of the final bill.
I paid a pet deposit not a fee that is what is on the contract. But it was not placed in an escrow account as my security deposit was. Therefore it is looked at more of a fee than a deposit.
What are my options here? And what is the normal amount to replace the carpet in a 2 bedroom apartment of 900 sqft? Anyone have an idea?
It sounds like what you are asking is what can you about the amount of money that management is keeping/billing you for.

If you disagree with what they have sent you/kept, you write what is known as a letter of "demand", demanding the amount of the security deposit/fees you believe you are rightfully owed. In the letter you state a certain date that you wish this amount to be returned to you.

If management does not respond (or does not respond in favor of what you have requested) then your next step is to consider whether it is worth it to file in Civil/Magistrates Court (Georgia's version of Small Claims).

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