Non-profit Organisation going on line

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New Member
What are the legal implications of a non profit organisation going online. Areas of concern include:
Making of disclaimers
Registration of domain names
Whether any revenueat all can be collected at all. Nominal even
Will I need to pay for internet connection/ domain names
Any other pertinent info
Simply because you are a non-profit doesn't mean that you aren't responsible for all the costs of doing business. Additionally, going online doesn't change the responsibilities you have for reporting and conducting a business that you would if you were not online. State laws vary with regard to the limitations they place on non-profits.
Thelawprofessor is right. Additionally, though, you should look at a non profit as a business. They essentially run the same way with a few accounting and accountability twists here and there. There are a number of web sites that will assist you with dos and don'ts including the IRS ( As the IRS is your key to the not for profit world, I would strongly recommend starting there. Based on a quick look at your bio, you might be interested in the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) at A couple others are and

Best of luck,
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