Consumer Law, Warranties Non-Circumvent/Non-Disclosure Agreement

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New Member
I am being asked to sign this agreement in order to get paid. I have no problem with the contents of the agreement, except for the third (last) page, that there are no page numbers, that the signature page is very vague. The only thing the third page says is:

IN WITNESS HEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.


By _______________________ Date ______________

Name: _____________________

By _______________________ Date ______________

Name: _____________________

I simply put the title of the document before my signature and the page number next to that. They are objecting to the "extra" stuff that I signed with. Now I really consider this coercion quite frankly, but do want to get paid. How can I make this third page "different" or mark it so I know exactly where this page belongs and with what Agreement?
The best way to manage this is to have each party initial the corner of each page - insist on it - and number them yourself. If they refuse then you have to wonder why they are doing so. It's a standard practice.
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