New Site Look?

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New Member

Are you testing vPortal 3? The home page is all goofy in Opera. The sides are blowing out; it's way too wide; and it doesn't resize.

Originally posted by samtha25:
Are you testing vPortal 3? The home page is all goofy in Opera. The sides are blowing out; it's way too wide; and it doesn't resize.
Are you talking about here and now? I made sure that had fixed widths to deal with the variable width problem. Any move to using the vbportal3 package will be highly customized here and will almost definitely continue to used fixed widths. If you are saying that the fixed widths here are too wide then your monitor resolution is using 640 x 480 resolution or you are not using Opera full screen at 800x600 resolution. Using IE or Netscape with 800x600, which should cover 99% of users, it should appear fine. Let me know if it doesn't. Thanks samtha,

Michael aka Slinky the coder :D
I'm on a 17" monitor at 1024 x 768. Is the main content part of the home page supposed to be wider than your header? I don't see what's causing the problem offhand, but I suspect it's in the mix and match of fixed and percentage widths.

Originally posted by samtha25:
I'm on a 17" monitor at 1024 x 768. Is the main content part of the home page supposed to be wider than your header? I don't see what's causing the problem offhand, but I suspect it's in the mix and match of fixed and percentage widths.
That's really weird. On a 15" monitor at 800x600 with the window maximized the entire border is just barely wider than the monitor and the entire board shows. So you are saying that the border in the middle is exploding outwards?

You are running Opera? I'll check this out and see what the problem is.

BTW, my vb3 version should be out some time tomorrow night or Sunday. Should be pretty cool. :D
I just downloaded opera and see what you mean. It's not only the front page but alignment is also a bit screwy in opera in many of the general pages generated by vBulletin scripts. The redirect messages appear to the left. I'd love to make everything Opera compliant but unless it's major I probably won't change things. The front page to the forums will change significantly. Thanks and regards, M
If it works in Opera it works in the other 5/6 browsers. :) The other pages look fine to me. Web pages will never look the same in all browsers.

BTW, I discovered that if you set a percentage width for the author's column in showthread and no width for the message column, it will line up the column in O5 and Netscape 4 unless the user's name is really long in which case the column in that message will be wider in all the browsers.

I look forward to seeing what you've done with vPortal 3. I'm in the process of going through the source markup to test what I can move to style sheets without breaking N4. Most of the font tags on the TDs can be moved, if it's overstated in the styles.

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The version 3 look will be pretty wild... very different than what you see here with much improved navigation. We are also working on creating several different themes which will work similar to Nuke.

I will not be using fixed widths in the next release although you will be able to resize the window to work perfectly in 800x600. My guess is that VBP may be released some time next week although you will be seeing something here by next Monday, August 12 and probably well before. I'll send you a preview link in e-mail.
Hi Michael,

Did you make some changes from the other day, because the pages are not sizing very well today? I have to make a really big window to see the whole page and I know it wasn't like that before.
Originally posted by samtha25:
Hi Michael,

Did you make some changes from the other day, because the pages are not sizing very well today? I have to make a really big window to see the whole page and I know it wasn't like that before.
Which pages and what do you mean? I didn't make any major changes to the pages themselves except for non-structural such as colors.
Whelp, it's all the pages, although right now I'm at 800x600 to test some stuff. It's very odd, because I remember thinking that you must have cleaned up the templates quite a bit, as the pages were re-sizing quite smoothly. I will investigate further and report back, chief. :)
Originally posted by samtha25:
Whelp, it's all the pages, although right now I'm at 800x600 to test some stuff. It's very odd, because I remember thinking that you must have cleaned up the templates quite a bit, as the pages were re-sizing quite smoothly. I will investigate further and report back, chief. :)
ROFL.. :D I just resized my monitor to 800x600 and the pages fit in just perfectly, slightly under the full size of the screen. I'm still cleaning up the templates here and pages but for this size design they should work pretty well. I'm hoping to cut down page size which is still far too large on the main forum page (almost 90k).
Really zippy!

The site is zipping fast and everything looks beautiful! Your new host seems like a good one and you've done a great job!

One comment: I find reading on the darker blue background to be hard on the eyes. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I don't think there is enough contrast with the text. I always flip to my own user css, but then that destroys your lovely design.
Thanks and good suggestion about the dark blue. It may be your monitor which makes it appear darker than it really is. We'll probably lighten it every so slightly so that all eyes will adapt well. However, can't make everyone happy!!! :)
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