New Driver with 3 tickets Need help

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New Member
Ok guys i need some help.I turned 18 and the next day I got 3 tickets in less than 10 mins on the road. One was for not having the headlights on, the second was for making a left turn on the right lane, and the third was for having a expired insurance.Now let me explain each in details so u guys know what really happend.

-First one for not having headlights was completely my fault, totally forgot, was my first time on the road at night by myself.That one i understand but he charged me ($115.50) for it, I wonder why so much...The officer also said that I almost caused an accident because a driver couldnt see me cuz my headlights was off.( which was totally bogus).

-Second one the officer claims I made a left turn on the right lane which was bogus once again($115.50). I switched lane to the left lane somewhat a bit before the turn(without turn signals). After i quickly switched lane there was a car in front of me that was making the left turn so i quickly followed him in making that left turn.There was no on comming traffic while i was making the left turn and he claims that I almost caused 2 near accidents(more bs sigh).And thats when he finally turned on his lights and pulled me over. Oh btw he wasnt driving a cop car, he was i guess somewhat undercover and my guess he was following me for a while. I made an image of this scenario. Heres the link.

-Final one i got when he pulled me over. The car wasnt mine and I was not on the i was not on the insurance. But he got me for having a expired insurance and not for having no insurance($71.50). My brother(owner of the car) has the up to date insurance on him tho, so the insurance wasnt really expired, i just didnt have the new one on the car.

Ok thats the story, and I'm planning to take this to court so i could at least get rid of the expired insurance one cuz my bro has the updated one.But thing is that Can they might get me for not having insurance? or is it too late? I'm also planning to tell my side of the story for the right lane/ left turn incident, and hope maybe the judge can lower the fine a bit. Having the no headlights, i kno its my fault and expect to pay but hope judge can maybe lower price. Any ideas what to do, what are some tips? Do I plead guild for having no headlights and not guilty for the other two? :confused:

If u made it this far,I really wanna thanks u guys for reading all that.
Once again thanks a lot and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Wow, what a way to start you driving day!

Believe it or not, I got a ticket for running a stop sign the first time I drove. It was on a street I had walked and ridden my bike to school for 10+ years and they installed the stop sign that very day! So I have some idea how you feel.

You can probably clear the insurance thing. You would probably have better success with the other charges accepting responsibility, telling the judge you are very inexperienced but learned an important lesson and will be much more careful in the future.

The courts hear excuses all day while very few people accept responsibility and learn from their mistakes. The second approach will serve you much better through your life. (from someone who learned the hard way...)

Please be really careful your first few years driving, minor mistakes driving can have life long concequences.
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