Neighbor reporting apartment

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New Member
I just had an extention built on my home. I had to get a variance by the town which I did so everything is legal. At the hearing for the variance one of my neighbors showed up protesting in hopes that it wouldn't go through. He where unsuccessfull and the variance went through and the extention was built. After the work was done, I recieved a notice saying that I was reported for having an illegal apartment in my home. I made an apointment to have my home inspected. The town came to inspect and found everything to be fine. I have no proof but I am very sure that the person who reported me was the angry neighbor. Is it possible by law to get him in trouble for making a false report? If so how would I go about that? Do I have the right as a homeowner to request information as to whom reported me? Also am I free now by law of any more reports of this nature or can my neighbor report me again and again and again?
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