Neighbor Parks on My Property

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New Member
I'm having problem with a neighbor and need some advice. We live on a street of fully attached houses where the garage for each house in the rear and accessed via a common driveway. There is an easement that requires the each homeowner to allow the others access to their portion of the driveway. The driveway is 20 feet wide, so there is enough space for a car to be parked in front of each gagage and others to pass.

The problem I'm having is a neighbor who keeps parking his car in front of my garage. I've told him several times to stop this practice, but it seems that whenever he can not find a parking space on the street, he parks in the rear in front of my garage. (he has converted his garage into living space and his son parks in front of his property).

This is private property, so the Police will not issue a summons. What options do I have?
Put down some cones to block the area thats yours. The police may not issue a summons but they should make him move his car off your property or have his car towed. Good luck.
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