Neighbor is watering our Home

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New Member
I live in a mobile home park, so we own our home, but not the land. We moved in at the beginning of June and since mid July our neighbor has "watered" our home (she waters the grass and lets the sprinkler hit the entire back side of our home). I have asked her personally to stop and she agreed, but continued to do it. I have talked to our landlord numerous times and he has sent her 2 letters asking her to stop. She did stop for almost 3 weeks, until today. This isn't the only thing she has done to us, but it is the most significant and consistent. I am concerned that the constant watering could warp the siding, create an environment for mold to form under the siding and in our window sills, and possibly damage our wood steps. I am at my wit's end and just want to know if the police will do anything about it, if I need to get a lawyer, or if it is just useless to do anything.
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You may wish to write a letter to your landlord telling him that while you appreciate his prior assistance, unless he can order her to stop or remove her form the premises you will abate the amount of rent for the potential damage done to your home as a result of your neighbor's actions. I'm not sure if this is a "trespass" action here against your neighbor and whether the police will take such a call seriously. It's a tough one but you may even consider writing your neighbor a certified return receipt letter demanding that the watering stop or you will sue her in small claims for the amount of damage done to your trailer, even if the amount sought is very small. This seems to be more about leverage and negotiating than it will be about the law. My guess is to do a serious sit down with your neighbor and make it clear that you will need to get the landlord involved if she can't just simply keep the watering down.
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