Other Immigration Law Need to renew green card but have 1996 felonie?


New Member
Hello 1996 I plead guilty of distribution received a 2 two suspended sent. with probation never served a day. 1998 went to Europe two days after I returned immigration picked me up. My lawyer went back to the district court I plead guilty and had the conviction thrown out BUT then the D.A. had the conviction upheld. Never heard from immigration again. Now 2015 I've never been in trouble again but I need to renew my green card but scared to death when I call the 800 number to see if I have any up coming hearings for immigration it says no but It does say in 1998 the case was dismissed. Question is this I have to renew card when my finger prints pull up my record will I be arrested or do I have a chance? I've also been working and paying taxes all these yrs.
It would be irresponsible for me to tell you anything certain as would anyone else other than an attorney who can give you a full and proper legal consultation. In general, if you are guilty of a felony crime (actually a crime involving "moral turpitude") then you will have your immigration issue subject to scrutiny. 1996 is a long time ago. I don't know how almost 20 years has passed and you didn't encounter any problem but we won't dwell on it. Having paid your taxes doesn't mean that Uncle Sam is going to think "oh great, we have an immigrant paying us taxes so we don't want to turn away income." Typically this won't turn any heads unless you're talking Mark Zuckerman / Facebook money. ;) The fact is this - you need to renew your green card. There is no way of avoiding this necessity. I would unquestionably make an appointment to have a proper legal consultation with an immigration attorney. If there are other complications, an attorney will be able to spot them and help you through them. The cost is unquestionably worth the investment and consider this merely the cost of having been involved with a felony crime. There is a chance that you will not have an issue and you should be optimistic. Good luck with your application.