Need help with IPs and spoofing

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I need to talk with someone that is very knowlegable about IP address and problems caused by spoofing?

Can anyone help me?

Somehow someone has gotten my IP address and used it on a forum and now a complaint has been filed against me. The post were not placed by me.

I have hired an Attorney, but I am trying to do some of the reserach.
Originally posted by wjnwjn
I need to talk with someone that is very knowlegable about IP address and problems caused by spoofing?

Can anyone help me?

Somehow someone has gotten my IP address and used it on a forum and now a complaint has been filed against me. The post were not placed by me.

I have hired an Attorney, but I am trying to do some of the reserach.
If you are stating that a complaint was filed in court, then they would need to prove that the person who posted was you. Spoofing can be accomplished in a number of ways but the real question is what kind of proof do they have with regard to your IP address? Is this a server log? Do you have a static IP address or one that is dynamically assigned?

The system I have access to, is dynamically assigned. So my IP address changes all the time. Someone did hack into the system and froze my IP address to their computer.

Its easy for me to defend because I did not do anything, but it's more difficult for someone to prove, becuase they need to show that someone was sitting at a certaqin computer and assuming just does not prove anything.

Thank you for the help
Re: information

So are you claiming that your IP was used or hijacked? I'm not sure what you mean by "froze" or how they owner of the system has concluded that you are the IP that had hacked into the system. It is possible that he compared the log entries, e.g. Joe makes a post, 4 minutes later another post is entered with the same IP, 4 minutes later another post from Joe. In that example, I'd say the likelihood of the same poster posting all three messages is quite likely and convincing.

Originally posted by wjnwjn
The system I have access to, is dynamically assigned. So my IP address changes all the time. Someone did hack into the system and froze my IP address to their computer.

Its easy for me to defend because I did not do anything, but it's more difficult for someone to prove, becuase they need to show that someone was sitting at a certaqin computer and assuming just does not prove anything.

Thank you for the help

My IP address was stolen if you want to call it that. Someone hacked into the system and used my IP address and has caused some problems for me which is very difficult to defend other then saying it was not me.

It like someone stealing your wallet and you now have to cancell your credit cards any everything that goes with it.

This is a very comine problem because IP spoofing is generally easy. AAlso, you didnot explain your situation very well, what was done on the forums that there has been a complaint about, has this been taken to legal action, and exatly what proof do they have? Email me a response please (I don't come here very often)
I had belong to a Vol. Fire Department and someone started to post things on a forum page and the post gave indication they where from me. The Fire company had a member do a search of the IP address and found that it matched my IP address. Since I would always list my name when I posted things, this member called my employer and asked if the IP address was theirs, which they said the routing number was, but they could not say who or what computer was being used.

It was at this time, I found out that someone had stolen my IP address, which my employer indicated was possible becuase of the system/server they had in place.

It's because of this I posted my question.

I am now working with an Attorney in filing a suit, but need expert help regarding this spoofing issue.

Thanks for to all for your response.
At this time, my attorney is looking at several avenues.

1. Violation of the Departments By-Laws
2. 1983 Act, civil rights
3. State Civil for slander

Now if you know of other suggested laws, both federal and state (Penna), I would welcome what they maybe.
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