Need advice about my school

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New Member
I am set to graduate from a degree program next month. The online college I am attending was accredited when I enrolled last year but I have received a notice from the school today saying that it is no longer accredited because the ACCSCT has revoked their accreditation - my guess is due to the numerous errors in the program, teachers abandoning class, teachers not returning emails and phone calls, etc.

I am fearful that I have now spent 1 1/2 years to earn a degree that will now hold less value and therefore jeopardize my employment search. I was already planning on filing a complaint with the state that the school is located in to obtain a refund due to the many problems I've faced, but now with this news I am wondering if it were legally possible for me to get either 1/2 or all of my money back?

I have contacted the school and they refuse to answer my questions. I also tried to file a complaint with the school with regards to the errors, teacher behavior, etc. but was denied - even though it's in their school policy that I am allowed to file a complaint.

My concern is the large school loan I will be paying for for a degree that is useless (unaccredited and I was taught nothing due to errors, teachers not teaching, etc.)

Help. :(
Have you contacted your Attorney Geneeral and filled a complaint? Also, a lawyer may give you a free consultation to see if you have any kind of case.
Have you contacted your Attorney Geneeral and filled a complaint? Also, a lawyer may give you a free consultation to see if you have any kind of case.

What I have done so far is contact my attorney but he is unfamiliar with educational law so I need to find another resource.

In speaking with the school this morning, they claim that employers will not be affected by their accreditation status, which I beg to differ. I have also contacted the ACCSCT who assigns their accreditation status and they informed me that this college were put on probation in January 2007 - students were only told yesterday, 10 months later.

My issue is having to pay for something that is broken. I will have a degree from a program that was littered with problems and incorrect information, and is also from a school with a tarnished reputation. That is why I seek compensation.

I'm going to contact the Massachusetts Bar Association to get a referral and hopefully find a lawyer experienced with this type of situation.
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