Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft @nd offense shoplifting-first was expunges 5 years ago

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my friend stole stuff 5 years ago and i was with him, so we both got in trouble. we took a class and everything was expunged. i recently got caught stealing, it was me this time. it was 170 dollars in clothes. will i serve jail time? what will be my consequences? this is the only thing on my record. please help mee.
Pennsylvania. and they said there giving me a fine and we have to go to court. i was cooperative, and he said he would tell the judge that too. the cops came and then they left.
What is ACD or diversion? we had to take some class, we sat with like a teacher for 5-6 hours and had to go over all about stealing and stuff. they said everything was expunged after we took this class.
Then this was very likely ACD, Diversion or, the like. This was not expungement (as its typically works). This means there is no conviction so your charge is likely a 1st offense and jail is unlikely. Your big problem is without Diversion or the like you will have a criminal record. This can and will cause you problems for a very long time. I suggest you do two things

1. Start calling Lawyers many offer free consultations get as many as you can

2. Enroll (now) in an anti shoplifting class
Thank you. this website says i need a court code or something, what do i put in that spot?
I am also wondering if this will be a misdemeanor or a felony?
No you dont need a court case number that is common assumption. If you still cant proceed send me PM and I will give you that email address. Without penal code we cannot say if its a felony or not. However based on your post I will assume misdemeanor
What were you charged with? A summary offense or a actual criminal charge? How old were you in the first one. In PA, if you are caught multiple times it becomes a felony.
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