NC Speeding Ticket

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New Member
Well the night of January first I was leaving dinner at my Grandmothers and heading home. I was tired and decided to hurry up a bit going down a hill and got nailed doing 88 in a 45. I know I screwed up and that night I was at the brink of being sick becuase my school is 30 miles from my house and both of my parents work and I realized that I more than likely seriously messed up the lives of my family. Now I am 17 have no previous offenses and from what little information I have been able to gleen from NC traffic laws my license will be suspended for several months and I will get four points on my license. The officer charged me with speeding and is sending me too "infraction court". I have never heard of this and don't exactly know what it is.
I am just wondering what is the correct maximum penalty for what I have done and what could be my options in maybe reducing the damages. My mom is enrolling me in a defensive driving class and I am getting a job to pay for the ticket are these positive steps or should I avoid these. I know I messed up and am just looking to make this as easy on my family as possible. Any options would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I have already told my parents so you don't need to tell me that.
Conviction for 88 in a 45 will result in a relatively serious (misdemeanor) charge in NC. You are risking a very long suspension and a very high insurance increase.

You need a lawyer to minimize the long term damages. It will sound expensive at first but will probably save you money in the long run. You will receive lots of offers to help in the mail soon.

Check the followng links for more info.

NC Safe Driver Incentive Plan Driver Incentive Plan.pdf

NC Traffics and insurance Points
North Carolina Speeding Ticket

North Carolina is cracking down on speeding so you can expect serious problems with this ticket, especially since you are 17. You need to contest the ticket rather than just paying it.
An attorney should be able to negotiate a reduction that will save you in the long run.

In addition I am pretty sure that this is a mandatory court appearance so if you do not hire an attorney one of your parents will have to go to traffic court with you.

Contact the court before you take the defensive driving class. Taking it before approval from the judge will likely do you no good as far as the ticket is concerned.

You will receive a lot of letters from attorneys offering to represent you. I would personally not hire an attorney that uses this approach but this does not mean that one of them would not do you a good job, just be sure to check their references. I would first try the link on this site. If no one is listed in your area email me and I can provide some resources.
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