Name not of eviction

Tina mckenzie

New Member
Hi my roommate got evicted an the paper work an court never added my name does my land lord have to still go thru an evict me to ? We never had a lease an I've lived here almost two years .
Hi my roommate got evicted an the paper work an court never added my name does my land lord have to still go thru an evict me to ?


But do you want to push the issue and have an eviction on your record? That's never a good idea.

We never had a lease an I've lived here almost two years

Talk to the landlord about staying.

Can you afford all the rent, not just what was your share?

I had to read that 3x to figure out what you were asking.

Really? Took me only once. ;)

But do you want to push the issue and have an eviction on your record? That's never a good idea.

Talk to the landlord about staying.

Can you afford all the rent, not just what was your share?

Really? Took me only once. ;)

lol...You must speak semi-literate better than I.