my roommate is controlling, a bully and disposed of ALL my belongings

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New Member
My roommate and i had an oral agreement for rent. It was a trade work for rent. I was there 6 months. He become controlling and bullied me on numerous occasions. I was given less then 72 hrs to move. I got what I needed until i could corral the assistance to move everything.
He requested the monies due, which i had, and declared i cannot retrieve my property unless i had said monies.
A time and date was agreed upon. I arrived and the neighbors prohibited me from entering. Upon his request to the neighbors to keep me out. I was threatened bodily injury by the neighbors. I left his residence to avoid the obvious.
To keep all civility on my part, i requested a civil stand by (sherriff asst.) twice, he did not open the door.
Now he claims i have already removed my property and refuses to aprise me of where my stuff is.
What are my legal rights and what documents do i need to file for close to 10,000 theft?
To file a theft report, contact the applicable police or sheriff department.

As far as getting your junk back, it'll be your word against his word.
See where that's headed?
But, you can file a small claims lawsuit, waste your time, and more money for no result.

This is one of a hundred reasons why MOST ADULTS rent or buy their own homes or apartment.

Roomate situations rarely are successful amongst college students,even rarer amongst older adults.
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