My Neighbor Killed my trees

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New Member
I park on my drive way, my van is new, and my neighbor on our left direct his sprinkler watering my van. They turn their springkler nightime and early morning so I don't see it (but I did see it). The watering accumulate traces of water and dust and it almost happen everyday. Without any confrontation, for I have no time for that, I decided to plant eugenia tree between their sprinkler and my van and I made sure that my plant is within our property. That solves my problem. Then I improve into little planter to keep it neat and planted a series of pine tree so that I have a good landscape. Then lately, I found out my neighbor opened up a drain directed to my planter. Again, I did not complain and just ignore it, hoping that it will just be water to be flushed there and also to avoid confrontation. Now I found out that 2 of my pine tree is dead. I am hundred percent my neighbor poisoned my tree. I am so upset right now. Is there any justice for that? I just don't understand why some people do something to destroy others property? Please advice...
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