Multiple owners, one wants to sell, not all agree

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New Member
Good morning, and thank you for this excellent forum. Approximately 5 years ago, my siblings and I inherited ownership in several pieces of real estate (private land and one commercial piece) from my father. My father owned approximately one half, and when he died, each of us siblings received an equal portion of his share. The property is worth a lot of money, and I want to sell my shares and ownership, but the other share holders don't want to see it sold - at least at this time. It would appear we are at a stalemate as I want my $$ share out of it right now. What are my options? Thanks.
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Q: What are my options?

A: File a partition suit. The court will sell the land on the courthouse steps. If there is any profit, y'all split it. It will take three years (if it's quick) and $20K (if it's cheap).
Many thanks

Dear Senior Judge, thank you for the helpful info. I am still hopeful something can be worked out, but am not optimistic. Knowing the legal option, e.g., "partition suit" is a start. Much appreciated.
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