Mr Freeman

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I have 3 pet pigs. 2 of them got out of their pen and ran around and about. My neighbor who lives several houses down has 3 horses. The pigs trespassed onto her land and got near the pen the horses are kept in. No witness (that I know of) to what actually took place. However it is assumed that the horses got spooked by the appearance of the pigs. The horses broke through their fence and ran off, the pigs did not follow and continued to just roam around the area. One horse was injured (I do not know to what extent at this time, only that it was still mobile). I have done some shallow research on the internet and it appears to be a common thing that horses are highly scared of pigs.
I am very sorry that this has happened but this will probably not be enough to satisfy my neighbor. I expect that if there is a vet bill I will be presented with it. My question is besides doing the right thing and paying the vet bill (hopefully one I can afford to pay) how much more legal responsibility will I have for this situation?
I agree. If you are presented with a bill it is your choice to pay it if you feel responsible, but you have no legal obligation to do so.
Your neighbor should have built a better fence.
Horses have a pig phobia, who knew? Not this dummy. Thank you for teaching me this. I agree, unless a witness comes forward, the horses running away and IF YOUR pigs ever appeared on the horse owner's property will remain unsolved.
Pigs will eat that horse..... Maybe not your pig. Pigs in general. I found a ram with his horns stuck in the fence. Eaten... by the PIGS. Serious.
I mix a few burros among my cattle. Burros are great at alarming the herds of coyotes, bobcats, and other local predators.
Pig Problem

I am in need of an attorney to represent me for the following reason, but I am unsure what type of attorney would handle this type of case.

I have 3 pet pigs. 2 of them got out of their pen and ran around and about. My neighbor who lives several houses down has 3 horses. The pigs possibly trespassed onto his land and got near his horse pen. No witness (that I know of) to what actually took place. However it is assumed that the horses got spooked by the appearance of the pigs. The 3 horses broke through or jumped their fence and ran off, the pigs did not follow and continued to just roam around the area. One horse was injured (I do not know to what extent at this time, only that it was still mobile). I have done some shallow research on the internet and it appears to be a common thing that horses can be scared of pigs. I spoke to my neighbor the next day and told him I was sorry if my pigs did in fact spook his horses, he was very unresponsive so this conversation did not go anywhere.

On 02-17-15 a representative of his insurance company stopped by my home and spoke to my father in law. The rep asked to take pictures of the pigs (there is only one now, we no longer have the 2 who got out) and my father in law told him no and that the rep would need to speak to me regarding this issue.
I assume that the insurance will be attempting to make me pay for whatever monetary cost they feel I am responsible for. I believe talking with the insurance directly will do me no favors and I am in need of an attorney. However I have no idea what type of attorney would handle this case. I am in a suburb of KCMO.

My position on this is that yes 2 of my pigs got out and yes 3 of their horses got out. Even if my pigs did walk on to my neighbors land they did not molest the horses in any way and that the horses where completely safe behind their own fenced in pen.
I realized the pigs where out when I got home and immediately started to look for them. I was unable to locate them (there is 500 acres of wooded MO park property behind my house) so I went to repairing my fence. The pigs had dug a large hole and lifted up one of the fence posts. While repairing the fence with the help of my 14 year-old daughter and her 14 year-old friend we saw two of the horses run behind my house. We never saw the third one. This was around 4:45 PM, also my daughter and her friend both say the pigs where still in there pen at 3:15 PM when they gave them water. Not long after that one of my other neighbors came by to let us know the pigs where in his front yard on their deck hanging out with his wife who was petting them. This neighbor lives roughly 50 yards from the neighbor with the horses.
Most any attorney could represent you, if necessary.
But, before you retain an attorney, why not report the matter to your homeowners insurer?
Most homeowners policies offer personal liability coverage.
Call your agent, or the company's "800" customer service / claims line.
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