Mother-In-Law trying to take children away. Multiple calls to CPS

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New Member
The story goes back the first day I met my husband's mother. From that time on she has been always out to ruin my marriage. I know we probably cant win a case without tons of money and a great lawyer so my next concern is getting a retraining order from this insane woman to stay away from me and my children.

It started when I found her lying about me to my own mother. Stating false statements about me, then lying about my character behind my back to other people. She is known to do this in not only her family life, but in her professional life as well (This can be proven with witnesses/victims)

The day our daughter was due to go home from the hospital I get a knock at the hospital door, in front of all my family and my friends from a woman carrying a notepad. She says, "Im sorry I really don't know why I am here right, now but I would like to speak with you about your new baby"

That case was dropped before it even began. We dropped contact with her for almost 2years when we found out it was her, blocked her numer and that was that. Then when we tried to reconcile with her one year, (She is VERY manipulative) a few months later, I get a phone call from my husband while I am at work, and he is telling me CPS is at out door. Once again, I rush home and the case was dropped before it even began. ((This can all be proven by pulling the CPS records))

So life goes on, we ignore here AGAIN for about 4 years, and before you know it, we try to give her another chance. We move to be near her so she can be with her grand kids. Me and my husband gets into a tiff, I call her to talk to her about it, 10min later (Literally, 10min mind you...) We get another knock at the door with the SAME allegations (At least if you are going to call in a claim, change the allegations!!! ) Same thing, she looks around, talks to our children, laughs about the whole situation, and once we move, stated for paper sake she need to check out our new place of residence and she will close this case out as well.

I have had ENOUGH of her lies and alligations that are not only stressfull to me, but my family as well. My kids were terrified when this lady came into the house they didn't know what was going on. My question is: Can I get a restraining order for harassment against this woman, or at least sue her for defamation.. Is there anything I can do, she has been getting away with this for 6years, we want her out of our lives.
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