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New Member
Washington State

I was pulled over for speeding going down a hill... 63 in a 40. Not really a big deal because I can defer it to student traffic court and get community service hours.

Here's the big one though; the officer found my MIRT (mobile infrared transmitter) which changes red lights to green lights like emergency vehicles. Well it's illegal to have and he took it. I'm supposed to get a court date in the mail between a month or two. So now what? What do I say when I go to court? Did the website that sold it to me have to get proper authorization and since they didn't get that are they liable? I'm just kind of freaking out because I don't want a huge fine and everything, not to mention I'm not 18 and I wouldn't want any of this to fall back on my mom.

Thanks for any advice you can offer,
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