Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Mip

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New Member
Hi, I'm 20 years old and and until recently, I had a perfectly clean record. I go to LSU and as most people know, everyone there tailgates from early morning until late at night. I was walking with my 3 guy friends, who are all 21,when we got stopped by the Office of Alcohol & Tobacco people. I was holding a large McDonald's cup that had a pina colada in it, and my friends had beer cans in their hand. The lady asked for all of our ID's, and then proceeded to ask me what was in my cup. I told her that it was a pina colada. Then she wrote me a ticket for having alcohol. Have my rights somehow been infringed upon? I was not holding a drink in a clear cup or a bottle; it was in a McDonald's cup. So why did they stop me and ask me what I was drinking? I have never been to court before, so what kind of repercussions can I expect from this situation? Should I plead guilty? I read somewhere in another thread that there is a first offender plea, but I'm not sure what that is. I heard that if I take some sort of class and pay a fine that the MIP will be taken off my record. Is that true? I would also like to add that I was not drunk or stumbling around; I was simply walking along with my friends, and that is why I felt as though I shouldn't have been stopped.

Any help would be appreciated :)
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Next time, if there is a next time, just don't answer the question... or just suck that pina colada down as as fast as you can.
Yeah, it all happened so fast and I didn't know if she had the right to check what was in my cup, so I told her what it was. I didn't want to get caught in a lie, so I just told her.
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