Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP while driving in Michigan

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New Member
Last week I recieved a MIP while driving down a dirt road in Oakland county. The police officer pulled me over first for speeding (45-25) and then proceeded to ask me to step out of the vehicle because he noticed that I had Black and Mild cigars in my car and asked me if there was anything illegal in there. I willingly agreed to get out and then he asked me if I had been drinking, I said no. He asked had I been drinking earlier, I said yes about 4 hours prior. He asked me if I would agree to take a breathalyzer and allow him to search my car. Once again I willingly agreed. He asked if there was anything in the car that he should know about and I said there might be an empty fifth from earlier because I was golfing with a friend. He searched my car and found a fifth with a few ounces left in it. I told him that was the fifth that I was talking about I thought it had been empty. He then told me I could take a breathalyzer or take an MIP. Being well educated I opted to take the MIP knowing Michigan's zero tolerance laws for minors. I did not want to risk blowing and then getting a DUI because of it. Ok so I guess my question is, what am I facing sentence wise and what advice can anyone give to me about talking to a prosecutor, maybe even a lawyer. I do not really want to have to hire a lawyer as for one I cant afford it myself (my parents cant find out about it) and two, what can I do on my own without having to speak with a lawyer?
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