Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Mip Texas

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New Member
I am a 20yr old male. I was arrested for MIP when I was serve alchol in a 21 yr old club. I snuck in. I am wondering why my miranda rights were not read to me. I can not remember if they were or were not read to me. I was not intoxicated at the time of arrest. The local DA said they do not have to be read if it is a Class C miscdmr.. Can anyone tell me if the DA is right?

Thank you,

I am a 20yr old male. I was arrested for MIP when I was serve alchol in a 21 yr old club. I snuck in. I am wondering why my miranda rights were not read to me. I can not remember if they were or were not read to me. I was not intoxicated at the time of arrest. The local DA said they do not have to be read if it is a Class C miscdmr.. Can anyone tell me if the DA is right?

Thank you,


Did they question you?
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