Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP please reply!!!!

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I am 18 and recieved an MIP last night and here is the scenario. I am not a drinker and I left a party due to heavy drinking and i was uncomfortable being there. I came home at about 11:30 to my apartment where I attend school at Baylor University. I noticed a Bottle of liquor on a table in my apartment. I have a roomate but he was not present, so it could have been his, his buddies, or what not but it was not mine. I then thought ok well they will come back and get it or something so I went to my room. Later, two girls called and wanted to come over so I allowed them. When they came over, they were intoxicated. We have a 2a.m. curfew for having girls over and I had them stay over due to the fact that I was trying to be a designated person and keep them safe. At 2:05a.m. the Apartment complex "Community Leader" knocked on the door and when I opened the door he had I assume seen the girls come in so he was coming in to write us up and he spotted the liquor on the table. He then called the DPS and they came and ended up giving me a "follow the pen with your eye" test which I passed. They then Breathalyzed the girls and they failed, so they breathalyzed me and I passed it with all zeros on the reading. The girls were charged with an MIC and I was charged with an MIP. I understand that it was in my apartment but it wasn't mine, was not holding it, had not drank it, nothing. Also I have a clean record and I have never broken the law. It was in a sense a "in the wrong place at the wrong time" and also I was trying to keep people safe because they were very drunk and it led to all this. Anyone think I could get out of this and explain to me how I would go about appealing my ticket??
Does your ticket have a court date on it? If so you need to tell your story to the judge and I hope he'll buy it . The DPS wrote you a ticket for possession of alcohol under age . It doesn't matter it's yours or not but it was in your room and the gurls are drunk . You should reported them to your hall leader instead of let them stayed .
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