Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Mip Mic

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New Member
I'm in Texas. Last night my friend and I went to meet another friend at a party. We were there for about 10-15 minutes, not drinking or even touching alcohol, then the three of us were leaving and when we opened the door a cop was standing there. He told everyone to back up, stand still, and keep our hands out of our pockets. We all did accordingly, they searched the house and some guy had a quarter pound of marijuana on him. They threatened to charge everyone with possession and then started writing MIP and MIC to people that they said they saw drinking. They wrote up a bunch of girls then called me out. I immediately asked what they were writing me up for and the cop said that another cop saw me drinking, I denied it and told him to give me a breathalyser test and he told me they didn't have any of those so I asked if it was ok if i could discuss it with the cop that said he saw me drinking. The cop that was writing me up went and told the other cop that I wanted to argue with him so the witness cop yelled at me, called me outside and when I denied drinking accused me of labeling him as crazy. I then just accepted the ticket and started to walk back inside then he called me back out and did a Nystagmus test on me. He did it with his finger and said I failed so either he's lying or my eyes twitch sober. There was no video taken and only one cop claims he saw me drinking. I don't understand how they can do this, I was 100% sober. I have no record at all, will I be able to get the case dropped with a lawyer? Also, can they accuse me of possessing marijuana?...the citation just says MIP and MIC. Is this not abuse?
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Who gave the cops permission to search the house? If no one did, then they can't do anything to you because it was an illegal search.
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