Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP in New Hampshire (Court Date: Aug. 11th)

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New Member
I'm a 20 yr old male and a resident of Massachusetts.

Myself and two friends (2 other males, aged 21 and 22) took a daytrip to our neighboring state over fourth of July weekend. We took my car up to North Conway and had a grand old time with two other friends whom were already up there. My 21 yr old friend brought a thirty rack of alchohol with him, in a closed cooler. I drove the entire way up to NH, and had absolutely nothing to drink.
We stayed late in NH, and it was about 1am when we started home. Now, I was speeding, because it was very late and I just wanted to get home. Anways, we got pulled over by a state trooper for speeding. When the trooper looked in the car while issuing me the ticket, she noticed the cooler of beer in the backseat. She opened it up, and found that, unbeknownst to me, my friends had been placing all thier empties they had drank over the course of the day in the cooler, resulting in about twenty empty bottles. The trooper charged me with Unlawful Possesion and arrested me. I was booked, and made bail and was released about an hour later. The trooper was very genial, and didnt administer a breathalyzer because she said she could tell that I didnt have anything to drink, but had to arrest me anyways because it was my car.

My trial date is August 11th, and even though I had originally planned to just go and plead guilty and take whatever fine they give me, I am now afriad that I might get hit with a bunch of legal jargon and end up with alot more crap to deal with simply because I didnt understand what was happening. I am pretty much alone on this, I cant afford a lawyer, and since my charge is only a "Class B misdemeanor", I am ineligable for a court appointed attorney.
What should I do? What could happen to me?
BerkeleyBoho said:
The trooper charged me with Unlawful Possesion and arrested me. ......had to arrest me anyways because it was my car.
I realized I should add the fact that my friend told the trooper the beer was his, he bought it, he drank all of it. She said she had to arrest me regardless.
I understand your frustration. The same thing happened to me. Although I wasn't arrested, I was charged. I went to court and told the judge it wasn't mine, but he said regardless of that, I owned the car, I was driving the car, and the car had opened alcoholic containers in the car. He did say though I was lucky I wasn't being charged with DUI because the cop & judge knew I wasn't drinking, just transporting. All I got was a fine, paid it, and life went on.

Not sure if this helps you any. This was in my state of UT many, many years ago, and I chose to go to court on my own.
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