Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP Convictions

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I have been charged with my first ever criminal offense. I worry not about the fine i saw that it was a minimum of $500. i worry only about my record and or jail time

im 18 years old and i was not arrested on the day of the offense. i was givin a citation and sent in a taxi to go about my way. my friend on the other hand wasn't so lucky.. he was arrested for DUI and was found with a fake ID. sadly i thought he wasn't drunk.. much to my dismay. on the other hand my situation is a little different. I worry about my record because of a stupid and imature mistake. i fear for my college career and future endeavors with something like this following me for the rest of my life. my question is.. is there a chance the charges would be dropped.. is there a chance to avoid jail time.. will this be on my record and if so for how long.. will i be on probation?? these are all questions that loom over my head as i await my court date on the 25th of january. I need any and all help available before then.. thank you
It is unlikely you will get jail time and the charge is a misdemeanor so it is unlikely that it will affect your admission to college. If you continue to get charges it will definitely effect you. Get an attorney or have one appointed and take a first offender plea. Take a first offender plea. They will sentence you to a fine, community service, a class on alcohol abuse and probation until you finish your appointed tasks. When it is over it will not show on your record. This is a one time deal. Good luck.

Just out of curiosity what county are you in?
it was in roswell so its most likely north fulton county..
i appreciate the help... one thing though... you say that it will eventually it wont show on my record... does this mean it will remain on my record after a certain time period or it will stop as soon as my alcohol class, community service and fine is payed?
Depending on whether you were in the City of Roswell or in North Fulton you will either go to Roswell Municipal or the North Fulton Annex there on Roswell Road (unless Sandy Springs has taken that over).

I don't know the Judges in Roswell so I can't tell you anything more about them, but you will be ok. Believe me it is not the end of the world.

Right now your MIP shows up as an arrest. If you do a first offender plea it will be held abeyance while you complete your assignments and probation. As soon as you are signed off on probation your record is clear. I think the arrest still shows up but nothing else.

I know the temptation to drink is strong, but it's only going to lead you to more trouble friend. I disagree with the 21 year old age limit but that's the one that we have. Take your lumps and learn from them. Good luck.
thanks for all your help.. hopefully it wont show up as an arrest because i didnt get arrested or sent to jail.. i was merely given a citation and summoned to appear in court. hopefully i wont need a lawyer but pleading the first offender plea sounds like my best bet
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