Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP at the mall

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New Member
hello everyone, i was just given a citation for minor in possession of alcohol at a mall in Georgia. I am 18 years old and the officer handcuffed me and took me to the back where he gave me a breathlyzer test where i blew a 0.066 which was also recorded on the citation. In this case, I was not driving but i had my keys on me so i guess they assumed that i drove to the mall while under the influence. So they sent me down to the local detention center where I was photographed and fingerprinted and detained until my parents came to pay the bond. I am not sure how i should take on this case. Will the court count this as DUI or simply MIP as it says on the citation? I am currently applying for colleges and I hope that I can get the arrest record expunged and the misdemeanor off of my record. The link below contains all the information i have found so far and I hope that I can find some more help here. Thanks!

edit: some more information, this is my first citation involving alcohol in any form but I did have a shop lifting incident the previous summer when I was still 17 which I have to go to court for in January. I have already hired a lawyer to help me keep that misdemeanor off my record. Will the shop lifting incident affect the MIP case at all?
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You cant get a DUI if they did not see you driving or if they did not see you behind the wheel of the vehicle. That being said take it upon yourself to get into alchol treatment classes or something before you go to court, I think that could bring you some hope in getting the charge reduced or off your record after some probation time. I am not a lawyer, so i would talk to one about your goals in this situation. good luck and let us know.:)
the shoplifting and mip occured in different counties (both in georgia though) so im hoping that both cases can be reduced to infractions with the help of 2 lawyers. what are the chances of this outcome?
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