Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP Alcohol and Tobacco-TX

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New Member

Yesterday night, I was with some friends in the parking lot of a park. Myself and two friends were in my friends car smoking some Black and Milds, waiting for another friend to get off of work. A cop walks up to us and asks us to step out of the car. We all get out, and he tells us that we are trespassing on private property. He searches my friend's car, and finds some marijuana, my friend goes to jail because he is 18. My other friend and I are both 17 so we get charged with Minor In Possession of tobacco. Next I foolishly consent to letting the cop search my car. He finds a case of beer in the trunk. I now get Minor In Possession of Alcohol as well.

Long story short:

I was in a friends car smoking, got charged with MIP tobacco and MIP alcohol, but the alcohol was in my trunk, unopened, and I wasn't in my car at all.

This happened in Williamson county in Texas.

I have some inquiries:

1. Should I plead guilty or not guilty and fight it?

2. How long does MIP of tobacco and alcohol stay on my permanent record?

3. What are the repercussions? (fines, community service, classes, etc.)

Thanks in advance,
Mike of Texas
Q: I was in a friends car smoking, got charged with MIP tobacco and MIP alcohol, but the alcohol was in my trunk, unopened, and I wasn't in my car at all.

A: The trunk is part of the car.

1. Should I plead guilty or not guilty and fight it?

A: You have not given us any evidence that you were not guilty; discuss the plea with your lawyer.

2. How long does MIP of tobacco and alcohol stay on my permanent record?

A: Your permanent is record is...well...permanent!

3. What are the repercussions? (fines, community service, classes, etc.)

A: You could get all three.
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