Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Minor in possesion of Alcohol

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About 3 weeks ago I was diving with four 16yr. olds at around 11 o'clock at night. When i was pulled over the officer asked if i had alcohol in my trunk. Not wanting to lie...I told him the truth. Although the alochol was not mine. Two days before I was pulled over, a friend of mines' car was not working. I went over to help her, while her brother was on his way over to help as well. She put the alcohol in my car so she wouldn't get in trouble with her brother for having it. She told me since i was 18 it was legal to have it in the trunk of my car. I don't want to sound ignorant about this but I did agree.

I have court in the next month and I was wondering what my choices are. What I could possibly be sentenced with? I understand that in California that there is a possible fine up to $1,000 or 6months in prison. Is there a possibility of my license being suspended? Could there be a class or community service i could take?
I am 19 and have had a little experience with this. On New Years of this year, ABC stopped me and found a lot of alcohol in my trunk. I was given and MIP and eventually went to court for it. I pled guilty and was given $300 dollars in fines, Out of court probation (basically nothing) and 1 yr license restriction. I work and have a considerable amount of money, so the fines were not a problem. The out of court probation is basically nothing. All it says is your on probation, but don't have to report to a probation officer, and that if you get charged with this crime or something like it during the 1 year, the court has the right to charge you with the new and old charges. The 1-year restriction was by far the lamest part of the whole situation. Luckily, I am a college student and work, so the judge allowed me to have a restricted license. I also let her know that I live with my grandmother who is no longer able to drive, and that I was the only one able to take her to doctors appointments and do grocery shopping. So she added Grocery stores and doctors offices to my list of places I can drive. All and all I respect the restriction, and do not usually drive freely around. Having a job in a mall helps as well. O ya, and also this will come off my record when the restriction comes off (big plus when it comes time to apply for grad schools).

Basically, unless you have some way proving you either had no idea the alcohol was in your trunk (assuming the car is not yours) or that you were transporting it for a parent, I would expect similar consequences. For me, I just expected the worst (suspended license) and planned accordingly. If you want a step by step of the court process, let me know, ill post it when I have the time.
I was charged with this as well, I had a large house party which was broken up by the police and I was charged with underage possession of alcohol. I hired a lawyer and went to court, I was given what is called an AUO(I believe...) which is a deal where if you are not charged with any crime in the next 6 months, this violation is cleared from your record, along with 8 hours of community service. Didn't have to pay any fine.
Wow thanks for both of your comments...Unfortunatly i went to court sooner then I thought and I did not know about that "AUO" option. Anyways the judge fined me $150 and i also must attend 3 AA meetings, and a 8 hour alcohol and drug class. Luckly the judge dissmissed it from my record and did not suspend my license!
jonshah said:
I was charged with this as well, I had a large house party which was broken up by the police and I was charged with underage possession of alcohol. I hired a lawyer and went to court, I was given what is called an AUO(I believe...) which is a deal where if you are not charged with any crime in the next 6 months, this violation is cleared from your record, along with 8 hours of community service. Didn't have to pay any fine.
Im going through about the same thing i got charged with Minor in consumption but i passed my test (soriety test) and they denied a breathilyzer test ... what should i do ??
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