medical records??

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New Member
Hi I was rear ended on the freeway and the liable party's agent is telling me to get him my medical records and send them to him. I thought I was supposed to sign a release and he was to get them. Probably only about $10,000-$12,000 claim prolly cannot get an attorney interested. Is it my job to do that? I have Kaiser.
well I am not getting paid and I have no idea how to do it. I have 5 children and not alot of time to sit around trying to figure something like this out. Last time I got hit the other company had me sign a release and then I never had to deal with it again. It just seems like the guy who hit me has no responsibilities and it aggravates me that I have to do all this stuff because he wasn't paying attention. I know I am lucky to be here to do it but I am frustrated.
You call the doctor's office. You say, I would like a copy of my records sent to X, please. It's not rocket science.
I assume you also reported the accident to your own ins. co. This should be done no matter who is at fault. Did you let your ins. co. know that the other party's ins. co. asked you to obtain & send to them your medical records? You should always keep your own ins. co. in the know - let them know what is going on.

Your doctor's office most likely will require a release from you before sending your med. records to anyone.
Agree, the lawyer would want medical records if the person has a lawyer. OP at this time apparently doesn't.
The ins. company's lawyer might want them for review.
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