Medical Nightmare

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I am a college student that lived in the county of Bexar. I had a lease at some campus apartments. I dislocated my ankle playing basketball and had to be rushed to the ER. I am on financial aid at the university as it is. I had no insurance and everything governemnt program i was turned down because of my tax forms are out of county. Anyway, both of my parents were hospitalized in the same year so there was absolutely no way i cold pay a minimum balance at all (Also I couldnt get on a payment plan at all). So my bills were sent to collection.
around the same time my car died on me and a family member gave me one of their cars and its paid in full. The collection agency claimed they were gonna do an assets search and im trying to figure out what to do. I have been unable to work with the agencies because I can barely pay my own bills and eat let alone pay 6000 in bills 11 bills eachmonth. My question was is it legal for me to transfer the title to another family member so if we go to court they dont take my car? Also what on earth could i do ? MY credit is shot i am 23 years old. One suggestion was just dont pay it because in7 years it will be wiped off and my credit is screwed anyway. are there any suggestions on what i could do??

thanks .

You don't say what state you're in, and that makes a big difference. You said Bexar county -- is that Texas? My advice below assumes that it is. Any other state, this may not apply.

I'm answering from experience -- I had cancer a year and a half ago, and ran up over $100,000 in medical bills, and out of work besides. BTW, I live in Dallas.

Chill out. First, they can't do anything until they sue you and win a judgment against you in court. They may threaten to do lots of things (they can't legally threaten to do so something they aren't able to do, but that may not stop them), but it's just intimidation tactics.

Second, even if after they have a judgment, in Texas, there is little they can do to seize your assets. A lot of stuff is exempt from seizure, including one vehicle per driver in the household. As long as you don't own real estate besides your homestead, or have several 10's of thousands in assets, all they can do is harrass you. So don't worry about the car, whether it's in your name or a relatives. (They can garnish -- seize -- bank accounts, though, so if they do get a judgment, you're going to have to keep your money under the mattress.)

We are paying small amounts (some as little as $5/month, most $25/month) on each of the bills we owe. When they demand more, we just say, I'm sorry, I'm not able to do that. They'll bluster and threaten and do everything they can to make you feel like crap, but the bottom line is that, besides ruining your credit report, there's not much they can do. They can take you to court, but they still can't get anything, and they know it, so most of the time they won't go to the expense to do that.

Hope this helps.
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