Medical Bill Contains Excessive Charges

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: California

I recently received a medical bill that showed a late fee of $50.00, and an Interest charge of $35.00. The insurance company was billed in July of 08 and sent me provider payment of 150.00, based on their calculations of what was covered. I set up a payment plan with the doctors office for $50.00 per month, after receiving my first bill 10/08. The first payment was sent in October and cashed by the office on November 17, 2008. The sent another bill, at the end of November, and was paid on 12/5. I recently received another bill dated 12/27, on January 16th, which again was promptly paid.

I addressed this with the doctors office and they said they were charging me the late fee because my insurance company sent me a payment and I did not send the full amount. There was no explanation for the interest charges. I sent a letter requesting a detailed breakdown of all charges, including how the interest was calculated. My question is what is the legal amount of interest I can be charged, and if they do not send bills regularly or apply payments in a timely fashion, how can they charge interest. Additionally, can they charge me a late fee if I have paid them as agreed? I have received 3 bills and all were paid on time. Is there a maximum interest rate in California for medical bills? I have uploaded my letter to the doctor.
I'm guessing they are getting around many of hte interest charges with late fees. To me this practice reeks but it is what credit card companies have been doing for years (I don't know the details of the fees here.) Even so, I'd make my letter more forceful. I'd get right to the point up front - I pay my bills on time and find your charging me for the above not only unwarranted but also of questionable practice and sincerely hope there will be no need to push this matter further.

You may want to state that the amount in question is small and it appears they should never have been charged. I would state that I'm not paying those inappropriate amounts and will continue to pay what was agreed. If you need to take this further you will not hesitate but you hope and demand that they will do the right thing, remove theses charges from your account and continue the relationship in the amicable fashion it has been until this moment.

The bottom line - don't sound so polite. Sound more irate, concerned and righteous - the kind of person that they want to have continue to pay them and not dicker over $150 and wasting everyone's time.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your time. No response to date, so I am just waiting to see what the next bill brings.
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