Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse marijuane possession

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New Member
i was stopped on hyway 401 by the opp on may 19th 2010 because the officer thought we were smoking a cigarette with a baby seat in the car
while explaning to us why he stopped us he found a flake of marijuana in the side of the passengers seat (who was unaware of me having any pot)at wich point he told us we were under arrest for possession . he asked me if i had any more with me . afraid for my friend who is a tourist from France , i told the officer that it was mine and that i had it in my coat pocket since he said he was going to search my car we where handcuffed and they searched the car finding my pot where i had told them about 15 grams. i am a professional musician and am a little worried about what is going to happen
i was stopped on hyway 401 by the opp on may 19th 2010 because the officer thought we were smoking a cigarette with a baby seat in the car
while explaning to us why he stopped us he found a flake of marijuana in the side of the passengers seat (who was unaware of me having any pot)at wich point he told us we were under arrest for possession . he asked me if i had any more with me . afraid for my friend who is a tourist from France , i told the officer that it was mine and that i had it in my coat pocket since he said he was going to search my car we where handcuffed and they searched the car finding my pot where i had told them about 15 grams. i am a professional musician and am a little worried about what is going to happen

This is a US based legal forum.
But, we too, are progeny of English common law.
That said, this is small potatoes.
In the US you might get probation, community service, pay a small fine, and eventually have this removed form your record.

US defendants often get a chance to stay out of trouble on probation, and with no major prior convictions, the record goes away.

There is a lot more to it, but hire a lawyer (or ask the court to appoint one for you) and follow your attorney's advice.
This is s minor thing.
Take it seriously and don't use or transport drugs, especially with CHILDREN in the care.
That was dumb.
You could have lost your child(ren).
For the sake of your family, STOP!!!!!!
i was stopped on hyway 401 by the opp on may 19th 2010 because the officer thought we were smoking a cigarette with a baby seat in the car
while explaning to us why he stopped us he found a flake of marijuana in the side of the passengers seat (who was unaware of me having any pot)at wich point he told us we were under arrest for possession . he asked me if i had any more with me . afraid for my friend who is a tourist from France , i told the officer that it was mine and that i had it in my coat pocket since he said he was going to search my car we where handcuffed and they searched the car finding my pot where i had told them about 15 grams. i am a professional musician and am a little worried about what is going to happen

we didnt have any kids or child seats in the car at the moment arrest (it have been pretty dumb indeed)
Wow! I have never heard that one before!

Moose, some judges are ordering no smoking around children in custody agreements, these days.

That means neither parent can smoke in the car, in house, or even in the presence of the child.

Heck, your state (CA) banned smoking in cars with children since January 1, 2007!

In Texas, foster parents can't smoke in their homes when the kids are around.

Starting Jan. 1, Texas will restrict smoking in foster parents' homes at all times and in cars when children are present, says Darrell Azar of the Department of Family and Protective Services.

Vermont, Washington and other states and counties already prohibit foster parents from smoking around children in their homes and cars.

Arkansas and Louisiana passed laws this year forbidding anyone from smoking in cars carrying young children. Courts are ordering smoke-free environments in custody and visitation disputes.

Yesterday, California's state Senate passed a new bill that makes smoking in a vehicle with children in it against the law. Lawbreakers will be fined $100 per incident. The bill places any child that is required to ride in a safety seat as the benchmark for an infraction. That age could rise from the 6 to 8 years depending on a separate bill waiting to be signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. California already has some of the nation's strictest rules and regulations of any state regarding motor vehicles and we don't really have a problem with this one.

Ya, after that earlier post I looked it up and found CA has the same law... in fact it appears CA has the toughest law regarding smoking around minors in vehicles. I added it to my cheat sheet just in case :)

The CA law became effective 1/1/08... I'm surprised I never heard about it, but this is about the same time the cell phone laws were kicking in and that is all anyone was concerned with.
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