Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Marijuana Possession Question

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New Member
A friend of mine was arrested a month and a half ago for possession of marijuana and drug paraphornilia (a marijuana pipe). He only had about a gram of marijuana. It was his first offense. He hasn't yet received a letter from the courts yet. How long does it usualloy take? Is there a chance that he got off?
No, there is not a chance "he got off". He should contact the courts himself and get a lawyer. He may qualify for drug diversion program. Sometimes it takes many months to be contacted by the court but I wouldn't wait. Your friend should get a copy of the police record created when he was arrested and seek legal consul.
he already consulted a lawyer and he said that the courts will either "push it under the rug" which means they would drop it since it was a minor first time offense or they would send papers in the mail reguarding the diversion program (TASC)... does this sound accurate to all of you"?
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