mandatory parole
tell me how this helps the public? offender is convicted of a felony recieves a term to incarceration tothe department of corrections to be followed by a mandatory period of parole. so no matter how much time is served on the sentence to incarceration the offender has a mandatory parole period that is determines by the class of felony that was committed. so lets say you have an offender that was convicted of a class 4 felony that carries a range of imprisonment of 2 to 6 years in the D.O.C. . and the offender pleads to a 2 year cap, meaning that he will serve no more than 2 years in the D.O.C., also know as a stipulated sentence. so he is "eligible" for parole 1 year into the sentence, this is parole in the true sense of the term since the offender will be released early, although there is no guarantee that the offender will be released nor does the state have to release the offender early. so here is what happens the state fills out the parole action form which has 2 sides one says denied, the other says parole, but the state has said the offender is not to be released until his mandatory release date. this means that the state keeps the offender the full term of his sentence 2 yrs but has the paper work that says that the offender was paroled. ? you ask! yes it happens every month in the state of colorado inmates paroled to their mandatory release date. they even make you sign paperwork that reads as if the parole board , oh and its only one person that sits in on your hearing not a board or panel, came to a ground shaking decision to release you when in fact theyt can no longer hold you in custody because you have served the entire term of incarceration. but dont get too happy you are out but now you have to meet with a parole officer every month for the next 3 years, and can have your parole violated for as little as getting a cell phone more so entering into a financial your parole gets revoked for having a cell phone or credit card and now you are back in the system for the next 3 years day for day! ? you ask again, yes happens everyday. the tax payers of colorado are paying to house inmates in the D.O.C on a techinical violation of his parole a parole that is mandatory in 80% of the cases the offenders serve their entire term to incarceration its parole its cruel and unusual!!!!!