Management won't fix or replace the A/C unit

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New Member
We have lived int his apartment for almost a year. Last summer the air conditioning was not efficiently cooling the apartment (it would stay anywhere from 80 to 90+ degrees during the day). We called 3 times about the problem last year and we were told the same thing - its working fine. The problem has started again this year and I can't live another summer like that. They sent out a maintenance guy out today to look at it and again the same response - its works just fine, you're just in a bad spot. I talked to the apartment manager and she wouldn't be direct, but basically told me they won't do anything about it except check the insulation above the apartment, and even if thats a problem, fixing it will only make a difference of a few degrees. My lease doesn't say anything specific about air conditioning. Do they have to do anything about it? Do they have to replace, repair or even upgrade so that our apartment is efficiently cooled? Can we sue? Would it be worth it?
Hello. I am having about the same problem. Have you found in any answers and not to be nosey but do you by chance live in Haysville, KS?
See the post below....

I work in a medical center and complained that my own office was terribly hot during this miserable summer. I have a window and even after closing the between-pane blinds it still seemed miserable in the afternoon (that window faces west). The heat/air conditioning register is in the ceiling in my office.

Building maintenance came by with their hand held infrared thermometer and showed me the temperature of the air coming out of the vent was 65 degrees. Even with adequate air flow in the room it had warmed to close to 80 before it hit where I was sitting.

In other words, the air conditioning was working fine but because my office was on a west facing wall (and, of course, being on the fifth floor there were no trees around to shade the window or roof) it was going to be warm in there as long as our summer temps were nearly 100 degrees.

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