Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Making Fake Credit Cards

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New Member
Ill be very quick. I was fired for making fake credit cards @ Sears (not real a lot of John Doe's) so:
1. How much will my civil demand be?
2. How long will it take the civil demand letter to get to my house?
3. What is a number I can call to pay it off quickly w/o a letter?
Thank you! I know this was wrong but i didnt want to be fired for lack of credit apps.
Ok since your crime was likely a felony were Police involved? did you make any agrteement with employer on how this was to be repaid?
i just told them the truth and bc i did and no real people were used they just said ill pay a civil demand. also i was under my 90 day probationary period
No the reason i used john does was bc i knew they wouldnt be approved. The name of the game at my store was number of credit apps whether they were approved or not so none of the apps became cards
Its that way atr most major retailers. so cards were not used? Did you get any monetary award for the credit apps? If so how much?
no card apps were approved and i was schedueled to recieve $40 from them but I didnt bc i was fired
would it be good to call the store and check? and how long does it take to send a civil demand? i ask bc i will moving back to school soon.
Do you think they even go about charging a civil demand? I haven't gotten any money from the apps and none become credit cards and were fake people.
Civil Demand is not about lose its about cost of security. so I will say yes they can. However you can fight this but the cost will likely outweigh the fine
Civil Demand is for theft of merchandise or store property.

I am pretty positive that you will not be charged a civil demand because your case is ineligible. I will look up your states CD laws and get back to you.

You were fired for processing fraudulent credit applications and you benefited by the monetary amount.

I suspect that the most you will get is put in the database.
Hours were based off of the number of credit apps you got (doesnt matter if they were approved or not) that's why i made fake ones bc nobody in this economy wanted a new credit card (still wrong though). I haven't made any money off them outside of a few more hours.
From what I can see you are guilty of fraud! You gained extras hours so you gained monies as result. Store likely cannot seek Civil Demand but can seek resitution for monies given you. Failure to repay these monies could provoke them to seek our criminal charges. then you would still owe restitution and court costs, fines, probation possible jail etc etc
I have the money to pay I just wonder if there is someone to contact so I can pay them asap and get this over with. I have a new job and restarting school in the fall so I just want to pay my debt and end this.
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