Low APR credit cards?

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New Member
does anyone know where i can all the list of low apr cards?

this article says to opt for low rate cards if you can get one http://www.moneysavingfreetips.com/low-rate-credit-cards.html

"You have 2500$ of debt on your credit card and you make minimum payments each month of 2.5% (assuming you don't add additional charges on the card). With an APR (Annual Percentage Rate) of 18%, it would take you more than 20 years to pay off the 2500$ debt. And what's more, you will have paid $3366 in interest payments alone!

- On the other hand, if you lock in a fixed interest rate of 12.99% on that 2500$ of credit card debt, you can pay off that debt in 15.2 years. The total interest payments you will have made in that period would be about $1735. Thus, $3365 (with the 18% APR) - $1735 (with the 12.99% APR) results in savings of $1630!"
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