Lost Lawsuit against Landlord

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New Member
I had posted a thread a few weeks ago in regards to my situation and it appears my landlord really screwed me.

So I went to court last week and when I exchanged evidence with my former landlord, she gave me an addendum to my lease that added two roomates onto my lease and removed me, however I never signed this paper and it was the first time I had seen this letter. I was under the impression that a completely new lease had been signed by the roommates since they were going to be taking over the house on their own. The judge didn't seem to care that I hadn't signed the letter. My lease that had expired and went on to a month to month agreement when this took place.

So at court the judge treated my like I was some criminal and needless to say I did not recoup my security deposit and was charged for the damage done by the people who lived there after I left. The judge woudl not even look at all of my evidence. So my question is, did the judge follow the law? Can the roomates be legally added if I never signed the addendum adding them to my lease, and if not, can I get my deposit back? Thanks for any feed back I am really confused at this point.
Doesn't particularly matter what we think on this matter. The judge has ruled against you.

The one option you have it to file an appeal regarding this judgement. If you'll post your state, we'll try to find out if this is possible and if so, what the deadline for appealing is.

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