Assault & Battery Looking for an explanation


New Member
I was charged and convicted of one punch aggravated assault after 3 men converged on my one friend(testified to by prosecutions witnesses) It was also testified that the initial guy from their side approached my friend first. In short, without adding the 37 story changes from their testimony, the guy supposedly sustained two significant injuries from one punch which made it aggravated assault. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Cervical Sprain. According to the medical records the prosecution entered as evidence the hemorrhage was actually suffered a week prior to our fight, as a ct scan comparison showed. And the cervical sprain didn't exist as test showed everything to be normal. When I showed this to my lawyer he refused to bring it up saying the will not reconsider this newly found evidence. This information is just the tip of the iceberg as far as my lawyers ethical violations are concerned, but can anyone explain a possible excuse for his stance?
Your option is to hire a different lawyer and file an appeal based on ineffective counsel.

Whether you get the conviction overturned is anybody's guess but just understand that this kind of an appeal will take money, lots of money, as you will have to hire a specialist in criminal appeals. The court isn't going to appoint one for you for free.
Yea, I've already hired the appropriate lawyer who filed the very motion my original lawyer told me wasn't possible with this information. I've taking it a step further after finding out who the judge and ADA know as far as the case is concerned. I actually found strong connections between the ADA, the "victim", and my attorney. I'm just bored on a holiday, stuck in my house for defending myself, and in search of knowledgeable opinions of intelligent minds....