- Jurisdiction
- Kentucky
The wastewater agency has been adding $50 to my utility bill because the code in my city requires all stairwells with a drain leading to the sewer must be covered. My landlord refuses to cover it telling me to just let them know I rent the property and I am not responsible for covering the stairwell. This has worked up until the last year when wastewater started adding the $50 to my bill anyway. I was finally told today that administration decided to bill me anyway so I would be able to get my landlord to cover the stairwell. I would short my landlord the $50 but what is to stop him from raising my rent and I'm still stuck paying the extra. I don't want to move because we have a good location close to good schools for my children. I have given the utility company my landlords name, address and phone number. Is it really legal for a government agency to bill me for my landlord's refusal to cover the stairwell? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.