Local government landlord issue

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The wastewater agency has been adding $50 to my utility bill because the code in my city requires all stairwells with a drain leading to the sewer must be covered. My landlord refuses to cover it telling me to just let them know I rent the property and I am not responsible for covering the stairwell. This has worked up until the last year when wastewater started adding the $50 to my bill anyway. I was finally told today that administration decided to bill me anyway so I would be able to get my landlord to cover the stairwell. I would short my landlord the $50 but what is to stop him from raising my rent and I'm still stuck paying the extra. I don't want to move because we have a good location close to good schools for my children. I have given the utility company my landlords name, address and phone number. Is it really legal for a government agency to bill me for my landlord's refusal to cover the stairwell? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Is it really legal for a government agency to bill me for my landlord's refusal to cover the stairwell?

Yes, it's legal.

Unless you are willing to play hard ball with your landlord, you keep paying, and he keeps doing nothing.

There is help for you in the KY landlord tenant statutes.

See 383.595 Landlord's maintenance obligations and agreements.


And 383.625 Noncompliance by landlord.


Additional sections that might apply are 635 and 645:

Kentucky Revised Statutes - Chapter 383

There may be other helpful sections. You should familiarize yourself with the entire statute.