Corporate Law LLP, partners fighting

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my buddy and i formed a LLP for our house painting business in november. now we are fighting and he wants out. i just moved to this small city to join in with him. he has been a solo painter here for years. we have 5 bids on on house repaints. but he doesnt want to work with me anymore, says i am dishonest and a cheat. he has already begun to drag my name around to local contractors saying these things and more. which will make it very difficult to get jobs if/when i go it solo. he says im done, and i cannot help paint ANY of these jobs if we get them. since the bids were given out under our partnership name, what can/should i do? sue him? walk away? i need the income and im basically broke. help!
You could take him to small claims court if you feel that there is a case. Remember that you'll have a difficult time if he's got good reason to make a fool of you in court... I don't know the circumstances. Good luck.
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