Lied on Rental Application want to evict

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New Member
I allowed a tenant who said that he is self emloyed to move into my property. He said that he has a lanndsape business which provides him with 3,000 monthly in income. This property is 3 buildings down from me and I can see that he does not leave the house EVER especially during the day when it is prime time to work. They have only been there since the 13th of April. Also I asked them not to smoke in the place and the neighbors said they smell smoke in thier unit shich leads me to believe that they are now smoking inside instead of the balcony that we verbally agreed on for a smoking area. The neighbor aslo says that they hear noises all night long...they must sleep in the day. Should I be concerned? Can I evict based on lies on the application and breaking the NO SMOKING rule, banging on walls distrubing the neighbors at 3 AM? Help...I want to cut my losses quickly!
Document everything and send notices to them about every complaints, every time. You can't do anything if they are paying their rent on time and can't prove they lied. What does your lease say about eviction reasons and so forth. What does your state law say? You may be stuck for a while until they actually break the lease agreement. Even then, the process is a long one as you are required to give a certain amount of notice time, etc..
Thank you. I have just been informed that they may be looking for another place since i have offered to let them out of the lease and give them any moneys that should be returned (They paid 1st month Partial since they moved in mid-month) Last (900)and 500 deposit. If they leave prior to the 1st they will get Last 900 and the deposit if they have not done any damage to the place.
Wow! How did you manage that? I hope they follow through for you. If they do you'll be the luckest landlord around.
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