License Revocation

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New Member
I reveived a traffic citation in the State of Texas in 1999 while a citizen of the State of California. I ignored it. Now, 6-1/2 years after the fact, I am being harrassed by a law firm in Texas who threatens to have the State of Arizona (where I have resided for the last 3-1/2 years) revoke my drivers license. Can this be done? Seems to me that it might happen on a state-to-state communication, but not through an attorney acting as a collection agency. If they caused some sort of action by the State of Arizona would not that be vindictive?


California will not suspend your license for an unpaid ticket in another state but Arizona will. You decided to ignore the citation so what is the problem?
I was a citizen of the State of California at the time of the citation in 1999. I have been a citizen of the State of Arizona since April 2003. Why would what I did in a third state have any impact 7 years later in a state I was not a citizen of at the time of the infraction? That's my problem.
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