Letter from attorney

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New Member
I received a letter from my neighbors attorney stating that my animals are continually entering their property and defecating in and damaging their pool, yard etc. Mentioned are pigeons, llamas, ducks ,peacocks and chickens. I do still have chickens but to my knowledge one chicken went on their property once. As for the rest of the animals, I have not had them for three to five years.
What should I do other that reply to his atty. that I do not in fact have these animals? Much ugliness has gone on over the last seven years and it is getting to be more than I can stand. I have cut down trees and gotten rid of almost all my animals. How can I make them stop?
Not providing "legal advice" but based upon what you said, I might reply back saying as little as possible, such as these untrue allegations have been going on for seven years and any lawsuit is frivolous and harassment. Until they go to court, it's just a letter. Then they have to prove it...
You can't make them stop. At some point their demands might rise to the level of harassment, but it is nowhere near it yet. If they want to throw away money on a lawyer chasing non-existent problems, that is their prerogative. They're free to send you letters, and you're free to do what you like in response, including ignore them.

Why did you get rid of your animals and trees in the first place? Were you legally required to? Or did you do it just to make peace? Neville Chamberlain might have a word of advice for you.
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I was not required to get rid of them. I knew the peacocks and ducks were a nuisance and got rid of them to get along. The llamas ,I got rid of becuse his dog was chasing the baby. The pigeons he shot when he first moved into his house. He is so nasty that if I tried to talk to him he stars screaming and threatening to sue or whatever. I try to ignore them but that doesn't always work.
They called and said the tree was seeding all over their yard. It was already a ugly mess becuse of the branches they had pulled off and threw in my yard so we cut it down to solve the problem for good. That made them happy for a few weeks, now they are back at it.
Here I am again. The past week or so has been really bad. Neighbor shooting, parking by fence with radio full blast etc. etc. I have penned up chickens just in case they were going over there. Its hard to tell becuse he has an eight foot fence between us plus no trespassing signs. I still don't think they were.
Today one of the other neighbors said problem neighbor is trying to get them to sign a petition to make me get rid of pigeons. I do not have pigeons these are wild ban-tails. They have always been here.
Should I contact his attorney now that I know what what he is mad about this time or wait and see if he takes me to court. If he does will it be necessary for me to hire an attorney?
Shooting? Is there a good reason to call the police? :eek: Radio blasting (disturbing the peace) and other acts of harassment make me think that this might not be such a bad idea. I still don't know what the neighbor is mad about although I wouldn't contact the attorney until they contact you. Why look for trouble? I'd make sure you cover your tracks and call the police as necessary and create a paper trail of continued harassment and potentially dangerous actions (a shooting should qualify!)
The shooting and firecrackers have been going on for at least three years. We have talked to the sheriff and he told us that we are rural and there is no law against shooting or fire works. Some of the other neighbors are starting to see what is going on and are tired of it. My husband is angry with me becuse he says I give into all their demands. One neighbor on the other side of him is selling his house becuse of them.
I am retired and hoped to be here till the end but now I hate to go out in my own yard.
Since when is there no law against fireworks displays? I don't know what state you are in but that is one you should look up. With regard to firing a gun, do the bullets pass on or through your property?
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